INSTANTLY boost the immune system at will within a few minutes so that disease and viruses can be easily fought off or shorten the duration and intensity of symptoms
Remove TOXIC waste from the cells and the body which is one of the culprits of lots of pain and misery
Improve the function of every cell in the body so that you absorb more nutrients and process out more toxins
Learn the 4 basics things a newborn baby does for perfect health. If one of these things is off disease can follow, if 2 or more of these things are off, disease WILL follow if more that two are off you could end up in a dire situation
Learn how to heal yourself so that you are not dependent on a medical system that is antiquated and cares more about your money than your health.
Save time, money and energy learning things that took me a decade of research and experimentation.
Plus much, much more... forward written by Wim Hof